About me

Welcome to the definitive blog of live MOBOTIX webcams, arrangement by Flavio Nelson Cassiano Costa.
I live in Olinda City, Pernambuco - Brazil.
Email and MSN: flavionelson@hotmail.com

Bem-vindos ao definitivo blog de câmeras MOBOTIX ao vivo, organizado por Flavio Nelson Cassiano Costa.
Moro em Olinda, Pernambuco - Brasil.
Email and MSN: flavionelson@hotmail.com

Apr 17, 2009

Romania/Romênia - Borsa

Romania/Romênia - Borsa
Borşais a town in eastern Maramureş County, northern Romania, in the valley of the Vişeu River and near the Prislop Pass. Linking Transylvania to Bukovina, Prislop Pass is surrounded by the Rodna and Maramureş Mountains, both ranges of the Carpathians. The highest peak in the region is Pietrosul Rodnei — 2,303 meters.
The Rodna National Park (which has an area of 463 km²) can be accessed from Borşa. The town is home to a wooden church, built in 1718.

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