About me

Welcome to the definitive blog of live MOBOTIX webcams, arrangement by Flavio Nelson Cassiano Costa.
I live in Olinda City, Pernambuco - Brazil.
Email and MSN: flavionelson@hotmail.com

Bem-vindos ao definitivo blog de câmeras MOBOTIX ao vivo, organizado por Flavio Nelson Cassiano Costa.
Moro em Olinda, Pernambuco - Brasil.
Email and MSN: flavionelson@hotmail.com

Mar 7, 2009

Germany - Alemanha - Nurbergring Track

Not a streaming camera but pretty cool anyway - a view of the track of the famous Nürbergring track in Germany. Members of the public can take their car for a lap or two of this race circuit. Normally busy at the weekend. You should be able to see some awsome cars. Refresh your browser every minute to get a new picture.

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